Only verified institutions, companies and exchanges that meet the criteria are able to have member accounts as well as redemption privileges. It is at our sole discretion to accept or reject a member application. Fees are transparent and are institutional level only,
Minimum XMG Token acquisition or redemption amount
Fee per redemption
Greater of 1,000 XMG or 0.1%
Fee per acquisition
Verification Fee
100 XMG Tokens
This amount is non-refundable but can be part of your redemption. The verification fee is intended to preserve the integrity of the network. The fee also helps offset a portion of the incurred costs from the verification process and insurance of tokens. The XMG Digital Asset Network at it’s sole discretion has the ability to approve or decline member accounts. By submitting a verification request you agree that the 100 XMG token deposit is non-refundable. Please read carefully here before moving forward.
Important Information: The XMG Digital Asset Network does not offer direct wallet functionality, it uses the Pecu Wallet for all transactions involving XMG tokens created on the Pecu Novus Network. As more blockchain networks are added to the XMG tokens offered then additional wallets will be mentioned as a matter of convenience. It is imperative that members use extreme caution and be thoughtful when transferring XMG tokens for deposit. In the event of an error on the members part, and at XMG’s sole discretion, XMG will attempt to do as much as possible to assist in the recovery efforts. Withdrawal requests for digital assets held by XMG are evaluated thoroughly, are institutional and exchange level members only and at XMG’s sole discretion approved or rejected, approved withdrawals can take several days to fully complete.